jueves, 15 de diciembre de 2011
Game of Thrones

lunes, 5 de diciembre de 2011
In Time
This film presenst us an original point of view about a concept which rules all our lives, the time. Leaving the truisms apart, “In Time” gives to the time itself, a new value, a value which may not be fair since it turns it into an unnatural element which tyrannizes the fates of all the characters of the film. The time is not treated as a part of the nature that exists in everything, isntead of that it turns into a kind of currency exchange that measures the lenght of the lives of all the people involved in the story. However, despite having such an interesting focus about the human destinies, the film lacks some reality when it comes to the way the events unfold.

The film takes place in a fictitious city in the year 2116. In this near future the human beings have been able to supress the gen which makes them age, therefore they are immortals. However once they turn 25 they instantly die due to a heart attack, and the only way they have to avoid the death is to get more time for themselves by working. The time has become the global currency in the world and it is shown in the biological watches all the humans have in their forearms. This leads to an uneasy context where all the people live in a cruel system where they have to fight to keep themselves alive at any cost, by working under unfair laws or by stealing other people’s lifetime. William Salas, a man who lives in one of the poorest ghettos of this city will try to find a way to destroy this system in order to free all the people of the world.
The main idea of the film is quite interesting, and it makes the watcher feel nervous while they see how the main characters time runs out, nonetheless that’s the only attractive part the film has. The rest of the features of the story are filled with comercial stereotypes and cliches which turn the film plot into a really predictable joke. William is the typical charming guy who has a phrase for anything that happens, and besides that everything he plans turns out the way he wants, including the part where he meets the pretty woman of the tale. None of the characters end up in the watchers minds by anything they did or the way they looked like, since all of them are really empty when it comes to personality terms.
In few words, “In Time” is the perfect film you could watch if you want to have some fun one of those tiresome Sundays at which there is nothing to do.
lunes, 28 de noviembre de 2011
Manga/comic show 2011
Once again the comic and manga show of Getxo was held in Las Arenas near the underground station, just as it has during it’s last nine editions. Afortunately for me i was able to assist the event during the three days it lasted for. The event gathered lots of shops and little businesses from the comic sector, which displayed their merchandising and products to all the curious faces and fans of such amazing world. Besides the activities offered by the shop stands the show was the perfect place for the most popular manga and comic fans to gather and exchange experiences.
Many of them were disguised as their favaorite characters and performed some of the stances and moves of their alter egos. During the Sunday which was the last day, the show focused on the manga world by allowing a special stand where different groups could gauge their musical skills by challenging each other for the first position. Among all these activities it was possible to find special stands where seveal professionals could use their make up and dyes to change the appearance of the ones who dared to expose themselves to the curious sights of the people walking around. And finally in the bottom of the show it was possible to find little groups of artists showing the people how to draw using different techniques.
The first day was the most intense one. I ventured myself into the swirling mass of people gathered in the square. This year has been the first in few editions having the biggest amount of people due to the fusion of both manga and comic shows into the same space. The stands were distributed into perfect rows, each of them marked with the name of the shop they were representating. There was an infinite offer of products, such as old fashioned video games, disguises, wallpapers, small figures, art works, thousands of different comics, and cultural products from Japan. Despite the small size of the show, it took me more than two hours to roam and see the whole place. As you can see, i took some pictures of the cosplayed people and the customes they strived so much to create. Just as any formal fan of such event would do i bought two T-shirts and a pair of key chains.
Probably and due to the day being Saturday the second day was the less populated one, however it was a relief to walk through the stands without having to push the people every time i wanted to get somewhere. The activities held during the Saturday were the same as the ones of the previous day, so i decided to see the ones i hadn’t have time for the last day. And so i ended up watching the make up section where three young boys were being tunned up with different types of make ups and sticky goos untill they resembled real zombies. After that i payed a brief visit to the speeches that were taking place in a small room, the subjects were as diverse as the people who were there listening to them. They talked about the 15M effect on some of the new comics being introduced those days in the show, and about freelance artists who were trying to make some noise in the artistic world in order to carve their names into the pages of time.
The Sunday was the last day of the show, nonetheless it was surely the most attracting one, despite of not having the same volume of people as the first day. It was due to the parade of cosplayers and their karaoke shows. I solely attended the last day to see their performance. The disguised boys and girls gathered together in the room at which the last day, the comic drawers exposed their speeches. All of them were introduced to the seers by two men who were wearing anime kind cloths as well. One by one all of them displayed different stances whilst they sung their favorite themes in front of the people. Some of them succeeded in their performances offering a great show, while some others just looked hilarious in the best case.
This show is one of the best places for those willing to experience the unique enviroment offered during these three days, at which the comic and manga fans are able to obtain some of the most rare and precious objects they would never find during the rest of the days of the year.
domingo, 20 de noviembre de 2011
The key to the current economic crisis
A serious film which tries to give some answers about the origins of the economic crisis that strikes us today. That is the description “Margin call”, a film which counts with a great cast of actors such as Kevin Spacey, Demi Moore, Paul Bettany or Zachary Quinto. The whole story is filled with a suffocating atmosphere of tension which highlights the severity of the subject treated in it.
Margin Call takes us to the headquarters of one of the biggest businesses of the United States, located in Brooklyn, New York. The business is obliged to fire most of it’s workers due to thefinancial difficulties it’s going through. One of those workers, Eric, entrustes the investigation he was working on to on to one of his colleagues, Peter, before leaving the business. Peter soon realizes about the huge hole the business has created in it’s own financial system, and he swiftly warns everyone in order to save

their heads from the black future which draws near.
The film introduces us to a small group of charismatic characters with great salaries who dwell the world of the high finances. The characters, who have been interpreted in a really well way, reflect that dangerous plane on which only the strongest people survive. We will get to know the human side of some of these men and women despite the crude world the work in, and with them the values of the human ethics.
The only downside of the film is the fact that the dialogues contain economic terms which may not be understood by some of the seers. Besides that and knowing future the film leads to, the end of the story is yet somehow diffuse.
Margin call may not be one of those great films which touch our inner feelings, but it is indeed an enlightening story with throws some sense to the economic turmoil we are in these days.
martes, 15 de noviembre de 2011
The social networks, the future of the mass medias
I have recently assisted the Third Digital Journalism Congress, event which was held in the Bizkaia Aretoa building in Bilbao, during the days 9, 10 and 11 of November. The main subject of the conference was the way the digital journalism is affecting our lives, and how the social networks are enhancing this effect. Several professionals from different nationalities came to Bilbao in order to share their knowledge about these changes with the attendees. Many were the susbjects connected to the journalism of this new era, and many the ways we, the journalists, could use these new ideas to improve the quality of our work. However and despite the amazing speeches of the speakers, it would be pretty hard to reflect all the information they gave us, so having that in mind, i will speak about the most interesting interventions of the three days.
Álvaro Peláez Avezuela, who works for the Fundeu, was the first speaker of the conference who dealt about the “New language born in the net: new education model and new enviroment”. It was nice to have someone of his age due to the reality the medias and us are exposed to. This fact made of his explanations a great proposal for solving some of the problems the medias are diving in nowadays . His speech highlighted the need of a clear and correct language by us on the net whislt we use some abreviations which are not considered correct by the RAE currently. This would lead us to write information of high quality and at the same it would be possible for us to save space in messages like the ones we use in twitter. In order to achieve this goal it would be neccessary to use our fonetical language combined with signs which represent different ideas or emotions like the ones which are being used on the internet by the bloggers or people who write on the forums.
The next day and after some absorbing ideas exposed by the first speakers it came Linda Castañeda’s turn, Professor of the University of Murcia. She exposed us her investigation called “The marble tower: the impact of the social networks on the university education model”. The concept besides the marble tower is the current university education system, which is an isolated terrain banished from the rest of the world. What professor Linda meant by this somehow poetical figure was that the university is a privileged knowledge source to which not all the people have access. In this place the students are able to develop their proficiency in different matters and become wiser, which leads to an unfair context for the rest of the people. Internet changed it all. With the appearance of the social networks some universities have
The intervention that closed the day was lead by the cooker Fernando Canales, owner of the “Estrella Michelín” award. He was not exactly the kind of person we would have expected to see in an event of this type, nonetheless, he was the only one who spoke to us in a friendly and spontaneous way, making of the last speech a relieving story. He basically told us about his first steps into the culinarian worl in the basque country, untill he realized that the basque culture
With the experiences the speakers shared with us we all realized about the importance the new technologies and the social networks have these days. They offer us the oportunity to create high quality content with the advantage of doing so from any place in the world in a fast way and without the need of too many tools. Having this in mind we should not understimate the chance that has been given to us.
domingo, 13 de noviembre de 2011
Coronado’s best return ever